Paul Gemperline

Professor Emeritus
- Ph.D., Cleveland State University, Analytical Chemistry (1982)
- B.S., Cleveland State University, Chemistry (1978)
Research Overview
Joiner, David E.; Billeter, Julien; McNally, Mary Ellen P.; Hoffman, Ron M.; Gemperline, Paul J. Comprehensive kinetic model for the dissolution, reaction, and crystallization processes involved in the synthesis of aspirin. Journal of Chemometrics (2014), 28(5), 420-428.
Hsieh, Chun H.; Billeter, Julien; McNally, Mary Ellen P.; Hoffman, Ronald M.; Gemperline, Paul J. Kinetic Modeling of Dissolution and Crystallization of Slurries with Attenuated Total Reflectance UV-Visible Absorbance and Near-Infrared Reflectance Measurements. Analytical Chemistry (2013), 85(11), 5367-5375.
Cutler, Patrick; Gemperline, Paul J.; de Juan, Anna. Experimental monitoring and data analysis tools for protein folding. Analytica Chimica Acta (2009), 632(1), 52-62.
Cutler, Patrick J.; Haaland, David M.; Andries, Erik; Gemperline, Paul J. Methods for kinetic modeling of temporally resolved hyperspectral confocal fluorescence images. Applied Spectroscopy (2009), 63(2), 153-163.
Cutler, Patrick J.; Haaland, David M.; Gemperline, Paul J. Systematic method for the kinetic modeling of temporally resolved hyperspectral microscope images of fluorescently labeled cells. Applied Spectroscopy (2009), 63(3), 261-270.
Richards, S., Miller, R., & Gemperline, P. J. Advantages of soft versus hard constraints in self-modeling curve resolution problems. Penalty alternating least squares (P-ALS) extension to multi-way problems. Applied Spectroscopy (2008), 62 (2), 197-206.
Pollock, J. B., Cutler, P. J., Kenney, J. M., Gemperline, P. J., & Burns, C. S. Characterization of Cu2+-binding modes in the prion protein by visible circular dichroism and multivariate curve resolution. Analytical Biochemistry (2008), 377 (2), 223-233.
Ehly, M., Gemperline, P. J., Nordon, A., Littlejohn, D., Basford, J. K., De Cecco, M. Scale-up of batch kinetic models. Analytica Chimica Acta (2007), 595 (1-2), 80-88.