Yu "Frank" Yang

Office: SZ 584
Phone: 252-328-9811
E-mail: yangy@ecu.edu
- Research Associate/Postdoctoral Fellow, Energy and Environmental Research Center, Grand Forks, ND (1993-1997)
- Ph.D., Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany (1993)
- M.S./B.S., Changchun Institute of Geology (merged with Jilin University), Changchun, China (1986, 1982)
Research Overview
The main goal of my research programs is to eliminate or minimize the use of toxic organic solvents in extraction, chromatography, environmental remediation, and chemical processes. My current research interests include the following:
- Pharmaceutical analysis
- Green chemistry
- Analytical chemistry
- Environmental chemistry
- Subcritical water oxidation
- Subcritical water extraction and chromatography
- Supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography
- Gas chromatography and liquid chromatography
- Separation and analysis of species from environmental and herbal matrices
Selected Awards and Honors
- “Lifetime Achievement for Excellence in Research Award” from East Carolina University, 2023
- “Achievement in International Research Award” from East Carolina University, 2022
- Visiting Scientist Fellow, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, May 2022
- Guest Professor, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang, China
- Interviewed by the most circulated magazine in chromatography, LCGC Europe
- “UNC Board of Governors Distinguished Professor for Teaching Award” from East Carolina University, 2001
- “University Five-Year Achievement for Excellence in Research/Creative Activity Award” from East Carolina University, 2005
- “Sigma Xi Helms Research Award” from ECU Chapter of Sigma Xi, 2003
- “Scholar-Teacher Award” from East Carolina University, 2003
- Two-time recipient of “College Research Award” from the College of Arts and Sciences, East Carolina University, 2004 and 1999
- Two-time recipient of “Cottrell College Science Award” from Research Corporation, 2001 and 1998
- “Starter Grant Award” from the Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh
- 1999 ECU nominee for “Achievement Award for New Scholars” from the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools, 1999
Selected Publications
- Yan Cheng, Fumin Xue, and Yu Yang, “Hot Water Extraction of Antioxidants from Tea Leaves – Optimization of Brewing Conditions for Preparing Antioxidant-Rich Tea Drinks,” Molecules, 28, (2023).
- Erdal Yabalak, Sema Akay, Berkant Kayan, A. Murat Gizir, and Yu Yang, “Solubility and Decomposition of Organic Compounds in Subcritical Water,” Molecules, 28(3), 1000 (2023).
- “Recent Development of Subcritical Water Extraction and Chromatography,” Molecules, special issue, edited by Yu Yang, (2022).
- Yan Cheng, Fumin Xue, Shuai Yu, Shichao Du, and Yu Yang, “Subcritical Water Extraction of Natural Products,” Molecules, 26, 4004 (2021). doi.org/10.3390/molecules26134004.
- Sema Akay, Yu Yang, and Berkant Kayan, “Investigation on the solubility of the antidepressant drug escitalopram in subcritical water,” Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 66 (2021) 2550–2560.
- Brahmam Kapalavavi, Ninad Doctor, Baohong Zhang, and Yu Yang, “Subcritical Water Extraction of Salvia Miltiorrhiza,” Molecules, 26, 1634 (2021), doi.org/10.3390/molecules26061634.
- Ninad Doctor, Grayson Parker, Katie Vang, Melanie Smith, Berkant Kayan, and Yu Yang, “Stability and Extraction of Vanillin and Coumarin under Subcritical Water Conditions,”, Molecules, 25(5), 1601 (2020), doi.org/10.3390/molecules25051061.
- Ninad Doctor and Yu Yang, “Separation and analysis of Asprin and Metformin HCI Using Greeen Subcritical Water Chromatography,” Molecules, 23, 2258 (2018) 1-9. doi:10.3390/molecules23092258.
- Ninad Doctor and Yu Yang, “Destruction of Polychlorinated Biphenyls under Subcritical Water Conditions in the presence of Hydrogen Peroxide or Sodium Hydroxide,” International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, 9 (2018) 119-122.
- Sema Akay, Berkant, Du Cunbin, Jiang Wang, Yu Yang, “Research of Sulfadiazine using Subcritical Water and Water+Alcohol Mixtures as the Solvent: Solubility and Thermodynamic Property,” Journal of Molecular Liquids, 253 (2018) 270-276.
- Heather Anderson and Yu Yang, “Subcritical Water Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection,” Molecules, doi:10.3390/molecules22060962 (2017) 1-13.
- Sema Akay, Berkant Kayan, and Yu Yang, “Solubility and Chromatographic Separation of 5-Fluorouracil under Subcritical Water Conditions,” Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 62 (2017) 1538–1543.
- Marina Rybnikova, Yu Yang, and Carrie Wood, “On-line Coupling of Subcritical Water Extraction with High Temperature Liquid Chromatography,” Current Green Chemistry, 3 (2016) 176–180.
- Berkant Kayan, Sema Akay, and Yu Yang, “Green Chromatographic Separation of Coumarin and Vanillins Using Subcritical Water as the Mobile Phase,” Journal of Chromatographic Science, 54 (2016) 1187–1192.
- Lewis Botcherby and Yu Yang, “Can SBWC Replace HPLC in Pharmaceutical Analysis?” LC/GC The Column, 7 (2016) 2-7.
- Brahmam Kapalavavi, Yu Yang, Ronita Marple, and Chris Gamsky, “Separation and Analysis of Pharmaceuticals in Cold Drugs Using Green Chromatography,” Separation and Purification Technology, 158 (2016) 308-312.
- Sema Akay, Mehmet Odabaşı, Yu Yang, and Berkant Kayan, “Synthesis and Evaluation of NA-PHEMAH Polymer for Use as a New Stationary Phase in High-temperature Liquid Chromatography,” Separation and Purification Technology, 152 (2015) 1-6.
- Brahmam Kapalavavi, Ronita Marple, Chris Gamsky, and Yu Yang, “Studies on the Stability of Preservatives under Subcritical Water Conditions,” International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 37 (2015) 306-311.
- Brahmam Kapalavavi, John Ankney, Matthew Baucom, and Yu Yang, “Solubility of Parabens in Subcritical Water,” Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 59 (2014) 912-916.
- Yu Yang,Brahmam Kapalavavi, Leena Gujjar, Samar Hadrous,Ronita Marple, and Chris Gamsky “Industrial Application of Green Chromatography – II. Separation and Analysis of Preservatives in Skincare Products Using Subcritical Water Chromatography,” International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 34 (2012) 466-476.
- Brahmam Kapalavavi, Ronita Marple, Chris Gamsky,and Yu Yang,“Separation of Sunscreens in Skincare Creams Using Greener High Temperature Liquid Chromatography and Subcritical Water Chromatography,” International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 34 (2012) 169-175.
- Yu Yang, Brahmam Kapalavavi, invited review article, “Subcritical Water Chromatography – An Economical and Green Separation Technique,” Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, eds. R.A. Meyers, John Wiley: Chichester, DOI: 9780470027318.a9217 (December 15, 2011) 1-23.
- Edward J. Lindquist and Yu Yang, “Degradation of Benzoic Acid and Its Derivatives in Subcritical Water,” Journal of Chromatography A, 1218 (2011) 2146–2152.
- Yu Yang, Zackary Strickland, Brahmam Kapalavavi, Ronita Marple, Chris Gamsky, “Industrial Application of Green Chromatography – I. Separation and Analysis of Niacinamide in Skincare Creams Using Pure Water as the Mobile Phase,” Talanta, 84 (2011) 169–174.
- Berkant Kayan, Yu Yang, Edward J. Lindquist and A. Murat Gizir, “Solubility of Benzoic and Salicylic Acids in Subcritical Water at Temperatures Ranging from (298 to 473) K,” Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,55 (2010)2229.
- Yu Yang, invited review article, “High-temperature liquid chromatography,” LC/GC North America, 26-S4 (2008) 2-8.
- Yu Yang, invited review article, “Subcritical water chromatography: A green approach for high-temperature liquid chromatography,” Journal of Separation Science, 30 (2007) 1131.
- Yu Yang, Berkant Kayan, Neval Bozer, Bryan Pate, Christopher Baker and Ahmet M. Gizir, “Terpene degradation and extraction from basil and oregano leaves using subcritical water ,” Journal of Chromatography A, 1152 (2007) 262.
- Yu Yang, “A model for temperature effect on column efficiency in high-temperature liquid chromatography,” Analytica Chimica Acta, 558 (2006) 7.
- Yu Yang and Frank Hildebrand, “Phenanthrene degradation in subcritical water,” Analytica Chimica Acta. 555 (2006) 364.
- Yu Yang, invited review article, “Stationary phases for LC separations at elevated temperature,” LC/GC North America, 24-S4 (2006) 53.
- Yu Yang,Toru Kondo, and Tina Kennedy, “HPLC separations with micro-bore columns using high-temperature water and Flame Ionization Detection,” Journal of Chromatographic Science, 43 (2005) 518.
- John Mathis, Ahmet Gizir, and Yu Yang, “Solubility of alkylbenzenes and a model for predicting the solubility of liquid organics in high-temperature water,” Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 49 (2004) 1269.
- Yu Yang and Donald Lynch, invited review article, “Stationary phases for high-temperature LC separation,” LC/GC North America, 22-S6 (2004) 34.
- Lori Lamm and Yu Yang, “Off-line coupling of subcritical water extraction with subcritical water chromatography,” Analytical Chemistry 75 (2003) 2237.
- Toru Kondo and Yu Yang, “Comparison of elution strength, column efficiency, and peak symmetry in subcritical water chromatography and traditional reversed-phase liquid chromatography,” Analytica Chimica Acta, 494 (2003) 157.
- Aaryn D. Jones and Yu Yang, “Separation of nonpolar analytes using methanol-water mixtures at elevated temperatures,”Analytica Chimica Acta, 485 (2003) 51.
- Paul J. Gemperline, Yu Yang, and Zhihui Bian, “Characterization of subcritical water oxidation with in-situ monitoring and self-modeling curve resolution,” Analytica Chimica Acta, 485 (2003) 73.
- Ping He and Yu Yang, “Studies on the long-term thermal stability of stationary phases in subcritical water chromatography,”Journal of Chromatography A, 989 (2003) 55.
- Yu Yang, invited review article, “Stationary phases for high-temperature liquid chromatography,” LC/GC Europe, 16 (2003) 37.
- Youxin Gan and Yu Yang, invited book chapter in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Separations and Processes, “Hot water extraction followed by solid-phase microextraction of active ingredients in rosemary – An organic solvent-free analytical technique,” Aravamudan Gopalan, Chien Wai, and Hollie Jacobs, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, (2003) 145.
- Toru Kondo, Yu Yang, and Lori Lamm, “Separation of polar and nonpolar analytes using dimethyl sulfoxide-modified subcritical water,” Analytica Chimica Acta, 460 (2002) 185.
- Yu Yang, invited book chapter in Recent Developments in Analytical Chemistry, “Subcritical water extraction and chromatography,” S.G. Pandalai, Transworld Research Network, Kerala, India, (2002) 61-81.
- Yu Yang, Lori Lamm, Ping He, and Toru Kondo, “Temperature effect on peak width and column efficiency in subcritical water chromatography,” Journal of Chromatographic Science, 40 (2002) 107.
- Yu Yang, Aaryn D. Jones, John A. Mathis, and Melissa Francis, “Flame ionization detection after splitting the water effluent in subcritical water chromatography,” Journal of Chromatography A, 942 (2001) 231-236.
- Yu Yang, invited book chapter in Encyclopedia of Chromatography, “Mobile phase modifiers for supercritical fluid chromatography: Influence on retention,” Jack Cazes, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, New York, (2001) 525.
- Yu Yang, invited book chapter in Encyclopedia of Chromatography, “Environmental applications of supercritical fluid chromatography,” Jack Cazes, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, New York, (2001) 314.
- Bin Li, Yu Yang, Youxin Gan, Clinton D. Eaton, Ping He, and Aaryn D. Jones, “On-line coupling of subcritical water extraction with high-performance liquid chromatography via solid phase trapping,” Journal of Chromatography A, 873 (2000) 175.
- Steven B. Hawthorne, Yu Yang, Carol B. Grabanski, David J. Miller, and Milton L. Lee, “Response to comments on adsorption versus absorption of polychlorinated biphenyls onto solid-phase microextraction coatings,” Analytical Chemistry, 72 (2000) 642.
- Yu Yang, Aaryn Jones, and Clinton Eaton, “Retention behavior of phenols, anilines, and alkylbenzenes in liquid chromatographic separations using subcritical water as the mobile phase,” Analytical Chemistry, 71 (1999) 3808.
- Yu Yang and Bin Li, “Subcritical water extraction coupled to high-performance liquid chromatography,” Analytical Chemistry, 71 (1999) 1491.
- Yu Yang, Steven B. Hawthorne, David J. Miller, Yu Liu, and Milton L. Lee, “Adsorption versus absorption of polychlorinated biphenyls onto solid-phase microextraction coatings,” Analytical Chemistry, 70 (1998) 1866.
- Yu Yang, D.J. Miller, and S.B. Hawthorne, “Solid phase microextraction of polychlorinated biphenyls,” Journal of Chromatography A, 800 (1998) 257.
- Yu Yang, Maya Belghazi, Steven B. Hawthorne, and David J. Miller, “Elution of organic solutes from different polarity sorbents using subcritical water conditions,” Journal of Chromatography A, 810 (1998) 149.
- Yu Yang, S.B. Hawthorne and D.J. Miller, “Toluene solubility and organic partitioning from gasoline and diesel fuel into water at elevated temperatures and pressures,” Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 42 (1997) 908.
- Y. Liu, M.L. Lee, K. Hageman, Yu. Yang, and S.B. Hawthorne, “Solid-phase microextraction of PAHs from aqueous samples using fibers coated with HPLC chemically bonded silica stationary phases,” Analytical Chemistry, 69 (1997) 4985
- Yu Yang, S.B. Hawthorne and D.J. Miller, “Class-selective extraction of polar, moderately-, and non-polar organic pollutants from solid waste using subcritical water,” Environmental Science & Technology, 31 (1997) 430.
- Yu Yang and W. Baumann, “Study of polychlorinated biphenyls in street dust studied by supercritical fluid extraction-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry,” Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 354 (1996) 56.
- Yu Yang, S. Bowadt, S.B. Hawthorne and D.J. Miller, “Subcritical water extraction of polychlorinated biphenyls from soil and sediments,” Analytical Chemistry, 67 (1995) 4571.
- Yu Yang, S.B. Hawthorne and D.J. Miller, “Comparison of sorbent and solvent trapping after supercritical fluid extraction of volatile petroleum hydrocarbons from soil,” Journal of Chromatography, 699 (1995) 265.
- Yu Yang, A. Gharaibeh, S.B. Hawthorne and D.J. Miller, “Combined temperature/modifier effects on supercritical CO2 extraction efficiencies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from environmental samples,” Analytical Chemistry, 67 (1995) 641.
- Yu Yang and W. Baumann, “Seasonal and areal variations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations in street dust determined by SFE-GC/MS,” The Analyst, 120 (1995) 243.
- Yu Yang, S.B. Hawthorne and D.J. Miller, “Estimating flow rates for sub- and supercritical fluid extractions with linear restrictors,” Journal of Chromatography, 690 (1995) 131.
- S.B. Hawthorne, Yu Yang and D.J. Miller, “Extraction of organic pollutants from environmental solids with sub- and supercritical water,” Analytical Chemistry, 66 (1994) 2912.
- S.B. Hawthorne, K.M. Hegvik, Yu Yang and D.J. Miller, “Determination of heavy hydrocarbon contamination using supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) with infrared detection,” Fuel, 73 (1994) 1876.