Dr. Spuches Publications
- Roberts DE, Benton AM, Fabian-Bayola C, Spuches AM, Offenbacher AR. Thermodynamic and Biophysical Study of Fatty Acid Effector Binding to Soybean Lipoxygenase: Implications for Allostery Driven by Helix α2 Dynamics. FEBS Letters, 596, 350–359, 2022.
- Rayani K, Seffernick J, Li AY, Davis JP, Spuches AM, Van Petegem F, Solaro RJ, Lindert S, Tibbits GF. Binding of calcium and magnesium to human cardiac Troponin C. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 296, 100350, 2021.
- Banerjee S, Garrigues RJ, Chanakira MN, Negron-Olivero JJ, Odeh YH, Spuches AM, Roop MR, Pitzer JE, Martin, DW, Dasgupta S. Investigating the roles of the conserved Cu(II)-binding residues on Brucella FtrA in producing conformational stability and functionality. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 210, 111162, 2020.
- A. Johnson, L. M. Fulcher, K. Vang, C. D. Palmer, N. E. Grossoehme, and A. M. Spuches. In depth, Thermodynamic Analysis of CaP2+P Binding to Human Cardiac Troponin C: Extracting Buffer-independent Binding Parameters. Biochimica Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics, 1867, 359–366, 2019.
- A. Johnson, O. M. Manley, A. M. Spuches, N. E. Grossoehme. Dissecting ITC Data of Metal Ions Binding to Ligands and Proteins. Biochimica Biophysica Acta-General Subjects, 1860 (5), 892-901, 2016.
- P. Gogineni, A. M. Spuches, and C. S. Burns. Calorimetric Investigation of Copper Binding in the N-Terminal Region of the Prion Protein at Low Copper Loading: Evidence for an Entropically Favorable First Binding Event. Inorganic Chemistry, 54 (2), 441-447, 2015.
- A. Skowronsky, M. Schroeter, T. Baxley, Y. Li, J. M. Chalovich, and A. M. Spuches. Thermodynamics and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Calcium Binding to the Regulatory Site of Human Cardiac TnC: Evidence for Communication with the Structural Calcium Binding Sites. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 18 (1), 49-58, 2013.
- Rich, E. Bombarda, A. D. Schenk, P. E. Lee, E. H. Cox, A. M. Spuches, L. D. Hudson, B. Kieffer, and D. E. Wilcox. Thermodynamics of ZnP2+P Binding to CysR2RHisR2R and CysR2RHisCys Zinc Fingers and a CysR4R Transcription Factor Site. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134 (25), 10405-10418, 2012.
- Sacco, R. A. Skowronsky, S. Gade, J. M. Kenney, and A. M. Spuches. Calorimetric Investigation of Copper (II) Binding to Aβ Peptides: Thermodynamics of Coordination Plasticity. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 17 (4), 531-541, 2012.
- Bhattacharya, S. H. Kim, P. Chen, R. Chen, A. M. Spuches, J. M. Brown, M. H. Lamm, and P. C. Ke. Dendrimer-Fullerenol Soft-Condensed Nanoassembly. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 (29), 15775-15781, 2012.
- A. Peterson, R. L. Benallie, A. M. Bradford, S. C. Pias, J. Yazzie, S. N. Lor, Z. M. Haulsee, C. K. Park, D. L. Johnson, L. R. Rohrschneider, A. M. Spuches, and B. A. Lyons. Dimerization in the Grb7 Protein. Journal of Molecular Recognition, 25, 427-434, 2012.
- L. Russell, B. C. Williams, A. Spuches,P PD. Klapper, A. H. Srouji, and R. P. Hicks. The Effect of the Length and Flexibility of the Side Chain of Basic Amino Acids on the Binding of Antimicrobial Peptides to Zwitterionic and Anionic Membrane Model Systems. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry, 20 (23), 1723-1739, 2012.
- L. Russell, A. M. Spuches, B.C. WilliamsR,R D. Venugopal,P PD. Klapper, A. H. Srouji, and R. P. Hicks. The Effect of the Placement and Total Charge of the Basic Amino Acid Clusters on Antibacterial Organism Selectivity and Potency. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry, 19, 7008-7022, 2011.
- L. Russell, A. M. Kennedy, A. M. Spuches, W. S. Gibson, D. Venugopal,P PD. Klapper, A. H. Srouji, J.B. Bhonsle and R. P. Hicks. Determining the Effect of the Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids into Antimicrobial Peptides on the Interactions with Zwitterionic and Anionic Membrane Model Systems. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 164, 740-758, 2011.
- Siamakpour-Reihani, A. M Bradford, T. A. Peterson, H. J. Argiros, L. L. Haas, S.N. Lor, Z. M. Haulsee, A. M. Spuches, D. L. Johnson, L. R. Rohrschneider, C. B. Shuster and B. A. Lyons. Grb7 Binds to Hax-1 and Undergoes an Intramolecular Domain Association that Offers a Model for Grb7 Regulation. Journal of Molecular Recognition, 24 (2), 314-321, 2011.
- E. Grossoehme, A. M. Spuches, D. E. Wilcox. Application of isothermal titration calorimetry in bioinorganic chemistry. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 15 (8), 1183-1191, 2010.
- L. Russell, A. M. Kennedy, A. M. Spuches, D. Venugopal, J. B. BhonsleP Pand R. P. Hicks. Spectroscopic and Thermodynamic Evidence for Antimicrobial Peptide Membrane Selectivity. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 163, 488-497, 2010.
- V. Gavette, J. M. McGrath, A. M. Spuches, A. L. Sargent and W. E. Allen. Fluorous Effects in Amide-Based Receptors for Anions. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 74 (10), 3706-3710, 2009.
- M. Spuches and D. E. Wilcox. Monomethylarsenite Competes with ZnP2+P for Binding Sites in the Glucocorticoid Receptor. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130 (26): 8148-8149, 2008.
- M. Spuches, H. J. Argiros, K. H. Lee, L. Lowell Haas, S.C. Pero, D. N. Krag, P. P. Roller, D. E. Wilcox and B. A. Lyons. Calorimetric Investigation of Phosphorylated and non-Phosphorylated Peptide Ligand Binding to the Human Grb7-SH2 Domain. Journal of Molecular Recognition, 20 (4): 245-252, 2007.
- Ivancic, A. M. Spuches, E. Guth, M. Daugherty, D. E. Wilcox and B. A. Lyons. Backbone Nuclear Relaxation Characteristics and Calorimetric Investigation of the Human Grb7-SH2/erB2 Peptide Complex. Protein Science, 14 (6): 1556-1569, 2005.
- M. Spuches, H.G. Kruszyna, A. M. Rich, and D. E. Wilcox. Thermodynamics of As(III)-Thiol Interaction: Arsenite and Monomethylarsenite Complexes with Glutathione, Dihydrolipoic Acid and Other Thiol Ligands. Inorganic Chemistry, 44 (8): 2964-2972, 2005.
- Chung, X. Gu, B. A. Etzenhouser, A. M. Spuches, P. T. Rye, S. K. Seetharaman, D. Rose, J. Zubieta, M. B. Sponsler. Intermetal Coupling in [(ηP5P-CR5RRR5R)Fe(dppe)]P2P (µ-CH=CHCH=CH) and in their Dicationic and Monocationic Mixed-valence Forms. Organometallics, 22 (17): 3485-3494, 2003.