Joi Walker

Associate Professor,
Chemical Education

  • Ph.D. Science Education, Florida State University (2011)
  • M.S. Chemistry, University of Tennessee at Knoxville (1986)
  • B.A. Chemistry, Mary Baldwin College (1982)

Courses Taught

  • General Chemistry I (CHEM 1150)
  • General Chemistry II (CHEM 1160)
  • Organic Chemistry I (CHEM 2750)
  • Teaching in the Laboratory (CHEM 2301)
  • Research Methods in Chemistry Education (CHEM 6240)

Research Overview

Dr. Walker’s research centers on the broad question of how to integrate science practices into the teaching and learning of undergraduate chemistry in order to help all students become more proficient in science and to increase the number and diversity of students who earn an undergraduate STEM degree. Pursing answers to this question requires curriculum design, assessment development, and validation both of which may then be used in classroom and laboratory research. In addition, Dr. Walker is a member of the STEM Collaborative for Research in Education (STEM CoRE); a multidisciplinary team of discipline-based education research (DBER) scholars at ECU.

Current Research

Dr. Walker’s research projects include cross-disciplinary practice-focused undergraduate laboratory transformation, increased access to authentic undergraduate research, assessment design and validation, and team science and mentoring strategies for undergraduate research.

Selected Publications

Wurz, A.I., Andersen, C. Walker, J.P, and Hughes, R.M. (2024). Evolution of a Biocatalysis CURE for Organic Chemistry Students. Journal of Chemical Education, 101(8), 3163-3170.

 Vance-Chalcraft, H, Etheridge, R., O’Driscoll, M., Peralta, A., Andersen, C., Freeland, F., and Walker J. (2024). Embedding Team Science in Three Linked CUREs. Scholarship and Practice in Undergraduate Research, 7(2), 53-64.

Clevenger, L., Teshera-Levye, J., Walker, J., and Vance-Chalcraft, H. (2023) Using an observation protocol to evaluate student argumentation skills in introductory biology laboratories. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. Special Series: Scientific Literacy, Online Ahead of Print, DOI: 10.1128/jmbe.00209-22.

Walker, J.P, Allen, W.E., Kennedy, A.M. Hosbein, K.N., Clevenger, L. Vance-Chalcraft, H. Whiting, B. (2023). Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences as a Community of Practice (CoP). Journal of Chemical Education, ASAP, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c00844.

Quinn, E.S., Sylcott, B., Green, N.T., Walker, J.P., Hughes, R.H. (2023). 3D Printed Laboratory Accessories as a Conduit for a Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Experience. Journal of College Science Teaching, March/April, 52(4), 38-47.

Walker, J.P. and Hosbein, K.N. (2022). Assessment of Scientific Practice Proficiency and Content Understanding Following an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Course. Journal of Chemical Education, Special Issue on “New Visions for Teaching Chemistry Laboratory”, 99(12), 3833-3841. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c00578.

Allen, W.E., Hosbein, K.N.,  Kennedy, A.M., Whiting, B., Walker, J.P. (2021) Design and Implementation of an Organic to Analytical CURE Sequence. Journal of Chemical Education. 98 (7), 2199-2208.

Allen, W.E., Hosbein, K.N.,  Kennedy, A.M., Whiting, B., Walker, J.P. (2021) Embedding Research Directly into the Chemistry Curriculum with an Organic to Analytical Sequence. Journal of Chemical Education. 98 (7), 2188-2198.

Hosbein, K.N., Lower, M., Walker, J.P. (2021). Tracking student argumentation skills across General Chemistry through Argument-Driven Inquiry using the Assessment of Scientific Argumentation in the Classroom observation protocol. Journal of Chemical Education.

Hosbein, K. N., Alvarez-Bell, R., Callis-Duehl, K. L., Sampson, V., Wolf, S. F., Walker, J.P. (2020). Development of the Investigation Design, Explanation, and Argument Assessment for General Chemistry I Laboratory. Journal of Chemical Education. 98(2), 293-306.

Sansom, R. and Walker J.P. (2020). Investing in Laboratory Courses. Journal of Chemical Education, 97(1), 308-309.

Walker, J.P., Van Duzor, A.G., and Lower, M. (2019). Facilitating Argumentation in the Laboratory: The Challenges of Claim Change and Justification by Theory. Journal of Chemical Education, 96(3), 435-444. Editor’s Choice.

Walker, J., Sampson, V., Southerland, S. and Enderle, P.J. (2016). Using Laboratory to Engage All Students in Science Practices. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 17, 1098-1113.

Walker, J. and Sampson, V. (2013). Learning to argue and arguing to learn: Argument-Driven Inquiry as a way to help undergraduate chemistry students learn how to construct arguments and engage in argumentation during a laboratory course. Journal for Research in Science Teaching, 50(5), 561-596.